Automate the selling and administration of your ad inventory. Your advertisers browse your Rate Card, pay you directly using your own PayPal account and upload their ads for display.
Top 10 Reasons to Choose Us
Plans start at just $3.99 per month
No Contracts, Cancel Anytime
Use on Unlimited Domains
7+ Billion Impressions Served
Works with Wordpress and More!
Ad Peeps is a hosted (SaaS) banner rotator and text ad server that automates selling, displaying and managing your banner advertisement, rich-media/html ads and text ads on your website. We provide you and your advertisers with highly detailed real-time statistics, an easy to use web interface and the most affordable plan choices of any competitor home of the no gimmick $3.99 price.
Trust is earned and we've been a strong leader in the industry since 2003...Put our experience and track record to work for your website and try Ad Peeps FREE with our no obligation 7 day trial. No Credit Card Needed.
Ad Peeps helps to provide an optimal viewing and interactive user experience to your website visitors by resizing your ads to fit on virtually any screen size including mobile and tablet devices automatically with no special coding on your end.
Advertisers browse your Rate Card (see example) and pay you directly using your own PayPal account.
Using our easy-to-use web interface, your Advertiser uploads their banner or text ad conveniently from their browser.
Use Ad Peeps to approve their ad, monitor performance, geotargeting, generate reports and more!
Weve partnered with Amazons S3 web service to serve your advertisers ads with 99.9% uptime at no additional cost to you!
Upload your own company logo or change the background colors to create cohesion between your website and Ad Peeps.
Every advertiser can create their own secure login to view their statistics. Administrators have their own separate master view as well.
Access to real-time statistics including hourly breakdowns so youre always on top of ad performance. Also e-mail reports on a schedule thats convenient for you.